Welcome to Do your fricken job

Your Very Own Virtual Personal Life & Career Coach

Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path

Motivational Inspiration

Inspirational media that will help you gain an upper hand on your competition and Do Your Fricken Job!

Daily Office Humor

Sometimes we just have to stop and smell the roses and appreciate lifes little jems in the office.

Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU

Are you under appreciated at work? Have you ever asked these questions seriously to your employer? After they stopped laughing and said, “Are you serious?” Then did you ask for that hard earned promotion you have worked  a full 30 days for? Then we are here for you!

Boss, How can I be promoted, I've been here 30 days?

I have really tried to sell, I mean I asked him if he liked his plan.

You mean I can't leave early on payday?

I worked a full 5 days last pay period, I have no idea why my paycheck was small.

Goal Setting

“What are goals? Shouldn’t it be just given to me?”

Relationship Coaching

“Relationships? People are here to serve me, not the other way around!”

Stress Management

“Look, I am having a panic attack. You’re not telling me what I want to hear. I need to leave”

Career Advice

“I’m 20 years old, seriously why haven’t you promoted me to Senior Manager?”

What Is Life Coaching?
Who is Coaching For?

We develop real world solutions for those who lack a moral compass. We help those who lack motivation to get up and get showered for the day. We provide direct motivation to those who wish to get paid and not actually do anything at their place of employment. Congratulations, you found a home! 

I told my boss I didn't have any money!

I am so freaking stressed. I take 3 and 4 day weekends and still can’t make enough money to pay my debts. Seriously, If I just made more money, I could afford the time I am taking off from work. Why won’t they pay me more money?

I am 19 years old and I have chronic panic attacks!

It’s real! If I think back to when I was young, like 15 I have always had them. It was like when my parents told me I would have to have a 4.0 in school before they would buy me a car, I had a panic attack then. My parents told me it was just a tantrum. However, they have no idea what it is like to be 15.

Showering? How could you ask me do not smell?

Look, I showered last week. What do you want from me? If you paid me enough, I could afford something more than this tank top and sweat pant outfit I have been wearing for the past week. 

You don't allow cell phones?

Look Felicia, that’s the last straw. How do you expect me to keep up with my babies if you won’t allow me to have my cell phone with me while working? Are you going to pay for my babies medical bills when they cannot reach me so I can go home early?

Attendance Pattern, Seriously?

Look, I have to cash my paycheck every payday. I had to go to my friends house to pay him the money he lent me and then I didn’t have a ride to work. Boss, can you pick me up and take me to work everyday? Yes, I know I told you in the interview I had reliable transportation and the cost of fuel wouldn’t be a problem, but I am getting garnished!

About Us

We have walked in your shoes. Not literally your shoes, what do you think this is a bowling alley?

We know what it is like to work just a few days in a job and totally know everything about the job and be overlooked for that well deserved promotion.

We will help you find your path to SUCCESS!



“Once I used the techniques listed here on this website, I started making money and failed less. Thanks Do Your Fricken Job.com”

Michael Scott

“After taking your full 3 day seminar, I employed the Buddy System in my Do Jo and I married the love of my life, Starla. Thanks Do Your Fricken Job.com”

Rex Kwan Do

“I used to be a shell of my self. Until I took your 30 day seminar “Honor, Code and Loyalty. I have been called the backbone of the Corps I joined.”

Nathan Jessep

Online Coaching Resources

Electronic Motivation

Just like your favorite morning cup of coffee, this will help you know when you are slacking off and how to get back on track and Do Your Fricken Job!

The Essentials of Leadership

Find yourself thinking you know more than your manager? Want to know how to get a head in life?

30 Day Career Workshop

After our 30 day workshop you’ll be prepared to defend yourself with the strength of a grizzly, the reflexes of a puma, and the wisdom of a man.

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

At Do Your Fricken Job.com, we use the buddy system. No more flying solo! You need somebody watching your back AT ALL TIMES!

You will learn discipline to shape your image! We will help you transform your career like getting a roundhouse kick to your competitors face!

Finally, our students learn about self respect. Life, Love and Relationships will improve. Just Break the wrist and then Walk away.


Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!