Today more than ever, we see society trying to pressure and dictate to all of us to be on the right side of Issues. This cult of ideology is in every facet of our lives. We find it has influenced our television programs, schools, and places of employment. Sure, we knew that political appointees would do the work of the political party which installed them. However, we, or better yet I never supposed that this would tear us apart as Americans.

Regardless, of whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. You can see the Left’s Trump Derangement Syndrome with Trump and everything Trump. You can also see a clear path of the Republicans going after everyone who opposed Trump to vindicate every wrong and injustice. It’s a vicious cycle without a positive end.  I think back to where it all started. I don’t remember reading about the issue even during Nixon’s era. There were issues that divided left from right, but personal hate speech vs. one another.  This wasn’t there.

I think you really have to go back to when Bill Clinton was impeached by the House Judiciary Committee in 1998. I don’t think it really got bad however until Obama started to weaponize the federal government against the citizens of the United States. However, it most assuredly started with Clinton. The United States had moved on from the nuclear family model, and many people were living lives increasingly away from the traditional family model and of course more and more away from religion.

Portrait:  J. Danforth Quayle, Vice President of the United States

Portrait: J. Danforth Quayle, Vice President of the United States

Do you remember when Dan Quayle the VP to George Bush I?  Do you remember the Quote regarding Murphy Brown and Unmarried Moms?  While this was more than 30 years ago, it was true then as much as if he made the comment today.  The challenge as previously cited, there are far more and it has been far more normalized to have children out of marriage and family structures are more vulnerable to the influence of popular culture, or more important the culture borrowed from others as they are most assuredly not getting it from the home.

Americans have always had a little bit of Hero Worship. We give moral credibility to sports figures and ask them to be role models. However, they are people. Charles Barkley did get it correct when he made that commercial. He cited that parents should be role models. However, without them in the home, who is a child to look to?  Who is to set the boundaries that like many of us what is proper love, what is a safe space, and how do you know you are ok without confusing yourself and three million ways to define yourself, and more importantly making someone agree to call you by your pro-nouns.

Sarah Huckabee SOTU GOP Rebuttle

Sarah Huckabee SOTU GOP Rebuttal

Today, it isn’t about the left or right. It’s about normal vs. Crazy. Sarah Huckabee the Governor of Arkansas probably coined it correctly.

Pot Hole Pete Buttigieg

Pot Hole Pete Buttigieg

No sooner than we conclude the State of the Union we have Pot Hole Pete The US Transportation Secretary speak about skilled workers needed to be more representative of the communities where the work is being done vs. talking about the train derailment that occurred in Ohio and actually taking care of people who didn’t have clean drinking water or a safe place for their animals.

The good news is the Main Stream Media called the Biden Administration and Pot Hole Pete on their rhetoric. This time. The question is, what are we willing to put up with in our lives? When do we turn the Crazy off?

I suggest it’s when we start to take our family back.  Whatever your religious yardstick is, I think once we start to put a higher power other than Pete, or Biden, and yes even Trump we are doomed to repeat this cycle of crazy.