Do Your Fricken Job!

Life Coach

Helping you channel your full potential

Howdy, We are Do Your Fricken Job dot Com! We focus on the obvious and seek to bring you from struggling to the thriving. We are blunt, honest and to the point.


For more than 17 years, more than 1 million people have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and transformational power of our business and personal development events. We are the nation’s #1 life and business strategist humorist website.

Our work has touched the lives of thousands of millennials across the globe — from Call Center Workers to Essential Oils Entrepreneurs, to Church Workers with no Job Prospects and the Trust Fund born. As well as athletes from various intramural groups from campuses from our Universities and Trade Collages acrosss the world. Billionaire business leaders seek their children to heed our advice as well; hedge fund managers are among those grateful for our coaching.


Our Values & Beliefs

Career & Business

Get your life back on track by succeeding on your Career & Business. We will assist you to retrain your millennial brain so you don’t ask asinine questions at your job.

Wealth & Life Style

When you have completed our 30-day course you will no longer squander what money you earn and build a bank account and truly live the life you were meant to.

Love & Relationships

When you complete our immersion courses you will find that your mother no longer looks at you awkwardly, as if she is asking if you will live until you are 24.

Our Approach

“We challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. We challenge you to join the ranks of those people who think, then act, and then who walk their talk.”

We believe you have to crawl to walk and walk to run. You can’t expect to run on your first try. Because that is silly, have you ever seen a newborn baby run? That would be like a super baby, and let’s face it – you are not quite there, yet!

Featured Sections


  • Career & Business
  • Health & Vitality
  • Leadership & Impact
  • Love & Relationships
  • Mind & Meaning
  • Productivity & Performance
  • Wealth & Life Style
  • News

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!